April News and Shoot Results

The day started off a little cool but it warmed up nicely and was a great day for a shoot.

Our Director of Tardi-ness, Dwight Hlustick, came out—late of course—to has-sle and kibitz. We put him to work scoring targets. Welcome back, Dwight. It was good to see you up and around.

Early in the match Al Short had difficulty with that beautiful rifle of his. Fortunately he had a second rifle that he could use to complete the match.

The first target at 25 yards was the Turkey Head fo r 5shots.  Since Dwight was scoring we don’t know how he broke ties so we’ll just report of the best order of scores. Art Twichell managed a 48XX for the top score. JP Sherkus and Max Kingsley both scored 48X while Tony Sucher scored 48.



The second target for 3 shots was the creepy looking Pheasant. The top score belonged to Tony Sucher at 30X. JP Sherkus was right behind with 29X followed by John Marhefka and Art Twichell at 29.

The third target was unique. It was the closest to the X Mosquito for 1 shot. Placement was decided by measuring the distance from the X to the center of the hole. Shooters had to include their caliber on the target for the scorer. Max Kingsley was the closest  with 11 mm.Frank Niccoli was next with 14.75 mm. Then came John Marhefka with 19.5 mm and JP Sherkus with 20mm. Since there were 9 shooters the top shot was award-ed 9 points, next was awarded 8, next was awarded 7, etc.

The first target at 50 yards was the crazy box with Boxes. Mike Rodzianko scored 24. JP Sherkus was close behind with 22. Tony Sucher and John Marhefka both scored 21.

The Standing Bear was the last target and the NMLRA“Perfect 50” target. There was no 50 but John Marhefka scored a 43XXX. Art Twichell came in with 38XX while Max Kingsley scored 37X. JP Sherkus was at 36XX.

Total scores gave John Marhefka First Place with 145 XXX,Second went to JP Sherkus with 141XXXX. Third Placewas Tony Sucher with 135XXX followed by Art Twichell at 134XXXX. Then Max Kingsley (131XX), Mike Rodzi-anko (121XX), Frank Niccoli (118X), Mike Rybak (90) and Al Short (73X).

The pistol match was pretty tight at 25 yards. JP S h erkuscame in with48X. Close behind was John Marhefka with47XX. Then came Max Kingsley with 46 and Mike Rybak with 41. However, the tale was told at 50 yards. JP Sherkus scored
44 and Max Kingsley couldn’t break out scoring 41. John Marhefka scored 37X and Mike Rybak got 14.

The final tally gave JP Sherkus 92X followed by Max Kingsley with 87. Then came John Marhefka with 84XXX and Mike Rybak with 55.

In the TOP SHOT 2018 Competition for the powder horn JP Sherkus is still in the lead, but Art Twichell has closed the gap with Frank Niccoli and John Marhefka close behind. Remember, your six highest total scores in 2018 matches will be counted for the prize.

The next match will be May 20, 2018. It will be an INDIVIDUAL Target Competition. The match fee will be $20.

You get 3 of each rifle target and, if competing, three of each pistol targets. Score your own, hand in your best. Please, do not stock pile or delay handing in your targets. You have 3 of each. After you shoot your best score of the three and score your own, turn it in so we can keep the score sheet current. All shots are from the free-standing, off-hand position. Shooting begins at 8 AM and ends at 12 PM. Iron sights (aperture or open) are used – no “glass” (no scopes or apertures with lenses).

Keep your power dry,
