Ladies and gents, here we were for the “May Doug Crowe Choice Shoot”, and Doug DID NOT SHOW UP TO SHOOT!. The temperature was well above freezing with no wind or other weather-related excuses but for the high humidity. Woke up to 65 degrees which rose to a balmy 70 degrees upon arriving at IWLA. By the end of the match, we had a heat wave of near 75 degrees. Still kept the bar-rels reasonably cool. Some problems with hang fires later on as the humidity rose. We again had only six shooters this month. Way to go for those who did show up. Perhaps the choices on targets made by Doug Crowe scared folks off.
So, as a result, we had a total of 6 riflemen and 4 pistoleros. As this was an individual target match, and JP was planning on eight places, all shooters won something. Great to see Rich Burkhart back with us after a hiatus of several months. Once again, you can’t blame Schutzenmeister JP Sherkus for choosing targets. All complaints can be directed towards Doug Crowe for this month. Now even though JP has a book filled with 130 + targets, Doug chose some “winners”, proba-bly so he thought he could hit them.
The first 25 yard target was the “Bark the Squirrel”
for three shots. This turned out to be much harder than it looked. You had to hit either the squirrel head or the branch with two shots with the other one with one shot. John Marhefka who turned in the best score of 21 was able to hit the branch twice with the squirrel once. He was followed by Joe Turner with 18 and Art Twitchell with 13. Mike Rodzianko also shot a 13 as did Rich Burkhart. Places were chosen in this three-way tie by being closest to the squirrel eye. JP Sher-kus came in last on this target, yeah I know, how could that happen, but he turned in an 8. The next target at 25 yards for three shots was the venerable (?) Bigfoot. This target was not a challenge for JP Sherkus who had to redeem himself and shot a 29. John Marhefka was right on his tail with a 27 as was Art Twitchell with a 23 X. Rich Burkhart came in 4th with a 19 followed by Mike Rodzianko with 15. Joe Turner came in last with 13. The final target at 25 yards for five shots was the “Standing Groundhog”. Not much of a dif-ficulty since it took up most of the page. JP Sher-kus was sighted in and shot a 44 for first place. Mike Rodzianko also shot a 44 for 2nd. John Marhefka was right behind with a 43 and Art Twitchell hitting a 38. Rich Burkhart turned in a 36 with Joe Turner hitting a 15.
At 50 yards, Doug chose two targets that had usu-ally been seen around Halloween. Although most of us had in fact seen these targets before, at 50 yards, they caused some hard moments. The Halloween Pumpkin was difficult to hit at 50 yards, but JP Sherkus managed a 27 for first place. John Marhefka came in second with 24 while Rich Burkhart, shooting for the first time in several months hit a decent 23 X. Only three turned in targets for this one.
The last 50 yard target was rather difficult. The large Pirate Skull also filled the page. JP Sher-kus turned in a 40 X (man his rifle likes the longer distances) for first place. John Marhefka did well with a 36 for second. Third place was claimed by Joe Turner with a 27, while Rich Burkhart shot a 13. Again only four shooters turned in this target.
For Rifle, out of a possible max score of 190, El Presidente John Marhefka came in first with a great score of 151. JP Sherkus came in second with a score of 148 X. Rich Burkhart came in third with 104 X, way to go Rich. Fourth was Mike Rodzianko with 75 X followed closely by Art Twitchell 74 X. Joe Turner was next with a 73. Great shooting all! BTW, Doug Crowe will al-so NOT be choosing the targets for the June shoot. Remember, that this lets Schutzenmeister JP off the hook for May and you may send your target complaints to Doug Crowe for the May shoot!
There were four Pistoleros this month, two more than last month. Remember that Doug chose these targets as well. Anyway, the first target at 25 yards was the “Oval”. JP Sherkus was on with the pistol as well and turned in a 45. John Mar-hefka hit a 34 X, Rich Burkhart did well with 31 and Mike Rodzianko shot a 15. Good to see that Rich didn’t forget how. At 50 yards, Doug chose the old standard large Bullseye. Again JP Sher-kus took the lead with 40 and Mike Rodzianko turned in a 29. The other two shooters missed this target.
So out of a total possible score of 100, JP Sher-kus turned in a 85 for first with Mike Rodzi-anko scoring 44 for second. John Marhefka came in third with 34 X and Rich Burkhart
came in fourth with 31. Great shooting all, and best of luck next month. Schutzenmeister JP was heard to say that it might be an “Invisible Critter” Match. At any rate, get ready for the Invisible Squirrel.
Next shoot is Sunday, June 19 starting at 0900 and ending at 1400. We usually end before this, but you can shoot till then. This match will be an AGGREGATE shoot, so everyone who shoots WILL win something. Let’s see some shooters for this match!
Keep yer powder dry,